Alexey Sklyarenko: Again, one is reminded of Pyotr Annibal's words in Tynyanov's "Pushkin:"Я возвожу в известный градус крепости. Чтоб вишня, горечь, чтоб сад был во рту."I achieve a certain alcohol percentage. To taste cherries, bitterness, a garden in my mouth." (a very loose translation)
JM: In a former posting Sklyarenko wrote: "According to Bulgarin, Pushkin's great-grandfather, Ibrahim (Abram) Gannibal was acquired for a bottle of rum. Bulgarin's coarse article in Northern Bee provoked Pushkin to compose Moya rodoslovnaya ("My Pedigree," 1830). A hundred years later, G. Ivanov in his Chisla review of Sirin's novels rudely called VN kukharkin syn ("son of a [female] cook"). Vivian Calmbrood responded with the poem Nochnoe puteshestvie ("Night Journey," 1931), in which he attacked Ivanov as 'Johnson.'  
I couldn't understand the  meaning in AS's final sentence: did  Vivian Calmbrood attack Ivanov assuming the role of Johnson, or did he address Ivanov as Johnson? 
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