John Shade: "A dark Vanessa with a crimson band/ Wheels in the low sun, settles
on the sand/ And shows ink-blue wingtips flecked with white..."
Charles Kinbote: "One minute before his death, as we were crossing from his demesne
to mine... a Red Admirable...came dizzily whirling around us like a colored
flame. Once or twice we had already noticed the same individual, at that same
time, on that same spot, where the low sun finding an aperture...splashed the
brown sand with a last radiance... One's eyes could not follow the rapid
butterfly as it flashed and vanished, and flashed again, with an almost
frightening imitation of conscious play which now culminated in its settling
upon my delighted friend's sleeve...Then the tide of the shade reached the
laurels, and the magnificent, velvet-and-flame creature dissolved in
JM: The quotes from Pale
Fire describe the apparition of a Red Admirable, close to the end of Shade's
poem and of his life.
Shade could not have written about it and,only
then, got up to walk along with Kinbote for a knackle of nuts and a glass
of Tokay,when he came across this same butterfly.What strikes me most in Shade's lines is how he brings up minute
details, which he couldn't have seen from a distance, exceept through the eyes
of his memory (the ink-blue wingtips flecked with white).
Besides, the specific butterfly, his "dark"
Vanessa (why dark?), settles with its wings open like a
night-moth (otherwise the wingtips, as described, wouldn't be
Kinbote spins a different story altogether. He
explains the insertion of the butterfly in Shade's poem, and their subsequent
stroll cum Red Admiral, by informing,quite casually, that it was "the same
individual" which both had encountered before in curious
situations. He adds a mysterious
and magical mood into his report, an "almost
frightening imitation of conscious play". He also creates a
"phaneros" ( Boyd's Orphic Phanes, or "a flame that appears and
vanishes...). He also exalts its red color, unlike Shade. Kinbote's "ominous" Vanessa is, indeed, a Red admiral, "a colored
flame" or a "velvet-and-flame" creature. Although he mentions the sand,
like Shade did in his verse, and an approaching "tide of the shade" that
"dissolves it" Kinbote's (insistently) flaming insect settles on Shade's
sleeve, not on the sand.*
*-There are too many links
irradiating from the simplest word and, naturally, most are
automatically rejected by reason. So they are hard to come by in a
normal train of thought, except when a secondary association brings them
back, or the google-search. For example, I always knew that moths in Brazil are
named "mariposas" and "bruxas" (witches) and, unlike the Spanish
for 'mariposa", our butterflies are called "borboletas".
Therefore, a recognizable link between certain lepidoptera and witches,
besides the report of legends from other countries and from different sources,
was always present in my subconscious recollection without rising to the
surface. In my culture, when a moth
(the big dark-winged kind) flies into one's house it is a good-luck sign. If it
touches the inhabitant with its body or winds it is interpreted as a signal from
a dead-person who wants to greet the person it contacts. Bruxas or
Mariposas have distinct kinds of antennae, unlike the butterfly's.
They have nocturnal habits and, most distinctively, they perch with open wings,
unlike butterflies which prefer to rest their wings in a vertical