Sitting beneath a tree with a portable bilingual copy of Tool in my lap I reached index-card TWO 13, .bringing the familiar image of the miniature chess-set with �tickly-looking little holes bored in the squares.�
On page 85 of the Brasilian translation I read:� OS BURAQUINHOS QUE PARECIAM CARRAPATOS NAS �CASAS.
In this version into Portuguese there are no more squirming� orifices ready for penetration by pin-sized pawns or larger� noblemen.
Ticks (carrapatos), those horrible black things often met in rural settings inhabit the �ticklish-looking holes� �
How about that for a translation???� I simply cannot get over this amusing, but strangely un-nabokovian but not strictly incorrect, image. Black ticks inside their little houses on the chess-board�
Who will come to rescue our Laura?
Jansy Mello