Once, in either SO or SM, VN mentioned the similarity bt a shaggy-dog
and a willow, my vague recollection places it in the Riviera.
Recently I came across a description based on
this image, in RLSK, concerning Clare's vivid imagination ("the muscle of the soul") . Clare also posessed " that real sense of beauty which has far less to do with art than
with the constant readiness to discern the halo round a frying-pan or the
likeness between a weeping-willow and a Skye terrier." I forgot all
about it (shaggy dogs, shagbarks, willows...) and now, going through PF, I
re-discovered that, just after Aunt Maud died, a basket where her
half-paralyzed Skye terrier once lay, "was the first
object to perform". Kinbote informs us that skye terriers belong
to "the breed called in our country 'weeping-willow
dog'. "
(A few days ago, a mere thematic coincidence: someone sent me a cartoon
with a dog holding an umbrella and sitting under a willow...
I cannot remember its author's name, but he regularly publishes
strips in American magazines and this particular strip must have been published
this month)