Yesterday Jansy wrote: Truman Capote was one of the script-writers of a Henry James' "The Turn of the Screw" adaptation to the movies, in "The Innocents". Although VN disliked William James' brother, he conceded that he sometimes enjoyed "his turn of a phrase" ( I'm quoting SO from memory). Unlike the original, "The Innocents" follows a clear psychological bias by emphasizing the hysteric traits and the pedophilic impulses found in the children's governess. Its marvellous b&w photography and scenic effects, plus an effective story-telling, managed to keep intact the suspense, inspite of this specific short-coming. I couldn't help wondering how Kinbote would be represented - should there be a Pale Fire movie version according to the J&H hypothesis. In my opinion VN deliberately planted unsolvable problems and imprecisions to offer, not only one but, an indefinite number of possibilities which I consider as far more important to explore than a single definite solution to a puzzle. Nevertheless, a clever J&H version might be as fascinating to see as the growing unreality achieved by Deborah Kerr in the role of a crazy spinster.
Dear Jansy,
I'm delighted that you bring up the subject of the James story and the wonderful film "The Innocents". The way I read the "T of the S" is open-ended. I do not see any resolution of the ambiguity. However, I would certainly be open to thinking about a possible resolution. The one in the film is only a suggested interpretation - - it still retains and allows the occult explanation of events - - most beautifully and convincingly envisioned, I might add.
I have read some intriguing ideas about the story though. One is speculation that it is a re-writing of Jane Eyre, which I'm not sure I understand, the other is a very detailed analysis of the story that I haven't really tackled yet. My own speculation is that as a "virgin mother" the governess is being punished for her audacity against the Virgin Mary (she is the daughter of a vicar isn't she?).
All very interesting and to be continued!
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