From the issue dated August 1, 2008
Darwin to the Rescue
A group of scholars thinks evolutionary science can reinvigorate literary studies
In the face of any looming apocalypse, imagined or not, prophets abound. For the literary academy, which has been imagining its own demise for almost as long as it has been around, prophets seem always to look to science, with its soothing specificity and concreteness.
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Literary Darwinism is also garnering attention because it joins evolutionary-minded scholarship in various fields. Scholars like Gottschall; Joseph Carroll, of the University of Missouri at St. Louis; and the Nabokov scholar Brian Boyd, of the University of Auckland, have found much common ground with evolutionary psychologists.
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Britt Peterson is assistant managing editor of The New Republic.
Section: The Chronicle Review
Volume 54, Issue 47, Page B7