EDNote: the first stops are of course Alfed Appel's Nabokov's Dark
Cinema and Barbara Wyllie's Nabokov at the Movies. If
anyone has a handy partial bibliography of articles on film references
in VN, I'm sure many would appreciate its posting here. My brief look
at Zimmer and Edmund's Zembla bibliography offers the following
as well:
Grishakova, Marina. "Dve zametki o V. Nabokove" [Two Notes on V.
Nabokov: 1. Once Again on the “Nabokov and Shklovsky” Problem. 2.
Nabokov and Cinema]. Trudy po russkoi i slavianskoi filologii.
Literaturovedenie, Novaia seriia (Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli
Kirjastus), 4, 2001.
Dear Nabokovians,
I was wondering if anyone has tried to
trace the actual films featured in Mary, The Defense
and Laughter in the Dark - what they may be if they are
actual real-life movies? Any suggestions regarding critical essays on
Nabokov and cinema that discuss these inserted films would be
welcome... I am especially curious about the one in Mary.