----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 10:59 PM
Dear List,
I started to organize today all the
messages exchanged in Nov/Dec.2006 on "Pale Fire, the "Third
Man" illusion and mentioning Shackleton, Webster, T.S.Eliot. It seems
that the subject was initially brought up by CHW, and taken up by C.Kunin, DBJ
and myself.
There is also a
note by D.Nabokov: "An interesting
sidelight: the early British mountaineers associated the "third man" illusion with the fogbow, today
considered a related phenomenon but colorless, and pale but larger moonbow."
I think someone recently quoted Pushkin's
verses, but I've been unable to find them in the Archives to
obtain them in English.
I mean Pushkin's play "Mozart and Salieri"
- when Mozart describes a man in black who ordered a Requiem
and explains that his sponsor seems to be always behind him, "like a
shadow, a third one sitting between him and Salieri."
I would like to locate this posting and, also,
Pushkin's lines in English.