'After the prolonged and exhausting paroxysm of explosive, exhalatory coughs, an almost desperate, forced inhalation [backdraft] involuntarily mobilizes the vocal cords in a loud, high pitched, gasping sound, the "whoop" of whooping cough [pertussis, "the cough", caused in childhood by infection with H. pertussis.].' -Schabernacker's Manual of Infectious Diseases [Toledo, 1899] On Friday, October 6, 2006, at 06:21 PM, D. Barton Johnson wrote: ArialFrom Commentary to Line 12: that crystal land"     Arial"Medical care was spreading to the confines of the state: less and less often, on his tour of the country, every autumn, when the rowans hung coral-heavy, and the puddles tinkled withMuscovyglass, the friendly and eloquent monarch would be interrupted by a pertussal "backdraucht" in a crowd of schoolchildren" Arial---------------------------------------------------- Arial"Pertussal"  simply pertains to "cough". Arial"Backdraucht" is a Scottish term glossed as in (2). Arial--------------------------------------------------     Arial6666,0000,FFFFBACKDRAUCHTArial, n. [Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProˈArialbHiragino Kaku Gothic ProɑArialkHiragino Kaku Gothic ProˈArialdrHiragino Kaku Gothic ProɑArialxt]     6666,0000,FFFF(1) The drawing in of the breath.     AAAA,0000,0000*Ags.(D) 1922 0000,0000,FFFFJ. B. Salmond 0000,0000,FFFFBawbee Bowden xii.:     Wi’ the backdraucht [he] sent a moofu’ o’ tea up throo his nose.     AAAA,0000,0000*Fif. 1825 0000,0000,FFFFJam.2:     We was whaslin like a blastit stirk i’ the backdraucht.     6666,0000,FFFF(2) The gasp of one with whooping-cough.