Content-Type: message/rfc822 Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 07:31:12 -0400 From: "jansymello" To: "Vladimir Nabokov Forum" Subject: Re: [NABOKV-L] symmetry and the art of the possible Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=__Part57730D10.1__=" --=__Part57730D10.1__= Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=__Part57730D10.2__=" --=__Part57730D10.2__= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit symmetry and the art of the possible "I suspect that all these enigmatic bio-math academic concepts ...are mirrored by existing philological terminology relevant to structure and morphology of literary texts." ( V. Fet). "Since a work of literature can usually only be experienced through time the idea of symmetry becomes problematic." ( C. Kunin) I wonder if Structuralism has any bearing on the particular "symmetry" found in VN. Nick's (surname?) and Victor's interesting information correctly call for additional "philological terminology" since, without adequate tools, the present discussion might veer off onto other matters, without enabling us to grasp a little more about VN's patent interest in "symmetry". C. Kunin spoke about "literature as only experienced through time" and I thought about musical counterpoint and modern "palindromic compositions" that offer the ear ( and probably to a musician's experienced eyes, too) a special mirroring effect of symmetry that may be compared to "literary time". Metre and rhyme certainly rely on the kind of "order/disorder" Fet and Nick described. VN's theories about translation ( the necessary footnotes and literality advised for poetry) suggest to my amateurish understanding that poetry is untranslatable because emphasis on literality generates a break of the "matter/form" unity that important poets achieved in their works. Jansy Search the archive: Contact the Editors:, Visit Zembla: View Nabokv-L policies: Search the archive: Contact the Editors:, Visit Zembla: View Nabokv-L policies: --=__Part57730D10.2__= Content-Type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Description: HTML symmetry and the art of =A0the possible
 "I suspect that all these = enigmatic=20 bio-math academic concepts ...are  mirrored by existing = philological=20 terminology relevant to structure and morphology of literary texts." ( = V.=20 Fet).
"Since a work of literature can usually only be experienced through = time=20 the idea of symmetry becomes problematic." ( C. Kunin)
I wonder if Structuralism has any bearing on the particular = "symmetry"=20 found in VN.
Nick's (surname?) and Victor's interesting=20 information correctly call for additional "philological=20 terminology" since, without adequate tools, the present discussion=20 might veer off onto other matters, without enabling us to grasp a = little=20 more about VN's patent interest in "symmetry".
C. Kunin spoke about "literature as only experienced = through=20 time" and I thought about musical counterpoint and modern "palindromic=20 compositions" that offer the ear ( and probably to a musician's experienced= =20 eyes, too) a special mirroring effect of symmetry that may be compared = to=20 "literary time".
Metre and rhyme certainly rely on the kind of =20= "order/disorder" Fet and Nick described.
VN's theories about translation ( the necessary footnotes and=20 literality advised for poetry) suggest to my amateurish=20 understanding that poetry is untranslatable because emphasis = on=20 literality generates a break of the "matter/form" unity that = important=20 poets achieved in their works.

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