-------- Original Message --------
While I don't know the essay Jansy refers to on Coleridge, Leibniz and
monism, another Borges essay is relevant: "Coleridge's Dream" includes such
fragments as:
"Swinburne felt that what he [Coleridge] had been able to recover was the
supreme example of music in the English language, and that the person
capable of analysing it would be able -- the metaphor is Keats' -- to
unravel a rainbow." Shades of Iris 8 ...
"Another classic example of unconscious cerebration is that of Robert Louis
Stevenson, to whom -- as he himself described it in his 'Chapter on Dreams'
-- one dream gave him the plot of Olalla and another, in 1884, the plot of
Jekyll and Hyde."
Amusingly, the essay ends on an archetypal note.