Dear List,
It would not have been necessary to press my point concerning the link bt. the tie Gradus wore and the Vanessa Butterfly offering you images of bow-ties and falters.
Kinbote mentions this link explicitly in one of the entries in his Index - bit although the connection is highly probable, I cannot be absolutely certain that it lies in his reference  the tie ( Vanessa: "caricatured" ). 

Please, check letter "V" under Vanessa. The entries are not exaustive since there are several other references to the Red Admiral but these emphasize a special chronology.
Vanessa: "evoked" ( comment to line 270); "flying over parapet..." (408); "figured" (470); "caricatured" (949); accompanying S's last steps..."( 993).
Concerning the item "figured", there are K's comments on the poet's "artistic objections to 'colored' ".
The Vanessa atalanta butterfly is "heraldic" ( "harvalda", "the heraldic one", in Zemblan ) where "black" is described as "a color" ( details already posted a few days ago).
Kinbote notes that In "defective  or premature publications the figures on some plates remained blank" ( was this idea taken up in ADA where Uncle Dan striped shirt reminded Van of a badly printed cartoon? ).
The item "caricatured" mentions comment to line 949 and there are two entries ( two silent zones) with the same title and different texts. The second entry is longer ( pages 273 to 284,EL) and it was there I found the description of the tie that Gradus got from his brother-in-law as Easter gift. 

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