On 4/6/06 23:32, "Nicholas Grundy" <grundyn@GMAIL.COM> wrote:
My favourite post on this subject was the one which provided the double dactyl which features in the Guardian article here:
Higgledy piggledy
Vladimir Nabokov -
Wait! Hasn't somebody
Made a mistake?
Out of such errors, Vla-
dimir Nabokov would
Paragraphs make.
There was mention of a video of VN in Switzerland repeating his name in the various different pronunciations over and over as the credits rolled, too, but I'm afraid I can't dig it up.
Thanks for all the help on VN’s reactions to his name-sounds.
Sesquipedelian is usually Sesquipedalian but I could be missing a Nabokovesque-Kinbotean-Fentonic plot?
The June 3 TIMEs LitQuiz on PROSODY asked “What’s an ASCLEPIAD, pray?”
offering the choices 1. A deliberate hiatus 2. A short drinking poem 3. A meter
This list will know of Asclepiad, the plant family, and that Monarch Butterflies (Danaus plexippus) feed on the Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa), but some may not be aware of the meter invented by Asclepiades of Samos and used by Auden:
“One spondee, two or three choriambs and one iamb.”
Whence the quip about the trochee: “Did He who made the iamb make thee?”
Stan Kelly-Bootle