Re: [NABOKV-L] [Fwd: Nabokov's "Kickapoo puppet" in PALE FIRE]
"Andrew Brown" <>
Thu, 23 Mar 2006 17:45:02 -0500
"Vladimir Nabokov Forum" <NABOKV-L@LISTSERV.UCSB.EDU>

Although it's been a long time since I read either one, Edmund Wilson's Aplogies to the Iroquois (the most memorable passage, to me, is a shocking historic account of French soldiers and native American warriors torturing a captive warrior from another tribe) may have touched on the Kickapoo puppets. Possibly, the Native American essays in Wilson's Black, White Red, and Olive may have information on them as well.
My point is that it's possible Wilson may have retailed some of his Native American lore to VN purely conversationally. And we might go so far as to assume that Kinbote's knowledge was gained in the same academically anecdotal way.
Andrew Brown

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