EDNOTE: The editor thanks Sam Schuman for this spoof of Linyov-style (The Gift) reading.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Chinese versions of Mr. Nabokov's eight to ten novels ...
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 10:12:52 -0600
From: sam schuman <schumans@morris.umn.edu>
To: Vladimir Nabokov Forum <NABOKV-L@LISTSERV.UCSB.EDU>
References: <43D1019C.9010009@utk.edu>

In a message dated 20/01/2006 01:49:35 GMT Standard Time, nabokv-l@utk.edu writes:
Lolita, first published in 1955 in Paris, tells the story of a middle-aged man, who falls in love with a 12-year-old girl and marries her sick, widowed mother to satisfy his erotic desires. Hemolests the girl in a Riviera hotel while she's asleep, she wakens and he runs into the traffic and dies.

Oh, really?

Anthony Stadlen

That's when she jumps out of the window, due to the fire, onto the chessboard-like patio, and comes face to face with a criminal she has sentenced to jail, who, unfortunately, she can't see since she was blinded in that Riviera car/bike accident.  Fortunately, the culprit is beheaded, just before going before a firing squad, so never gets to drive off in that little sedan, free at last, into the soft mist where hill after hill made beauty of distance, and where there was simply no saying what miracle might happen.  Right?

Samuel Schuman
The University of Minnesota, Morris
Morris, MN 56267