Dear Don and List,
It is interesting to read what Nabokov himself writes about looking the world upside down. It is in his James Joyce Lectures, page 288/289
Each chapter ( in Ulysses) is written in a different style, or rather with a different style predominating.  There is no special reason why this should be - why one hapter should be told straight, another through a strem-of-consciousness gurgle (...) it may be argued that this constant shift of the viewpoints conveys a more varied knowledge, fresh vivid glimpses from this or that side.
If you have ever tried to stand and bend your head so as to look back between your knees, with your face turned upside down, you will see the world in a totally different light (...) 
----- Original Message -----
From: D. Barton Johnson
To: Jansy Berndt de Souza Mello
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 12:44 AM
Subject: poem

he was walking on hands, not his feet
seeing the world upside down was so neat
they said he was completely perverted
perspective is novel inverted
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