----- Original Message -----
From: Mary Krimmel
Message requiring your approval (74 lines) ------------------ My previous post asking about Bernoulli's tomb is now partly outdated and the first question answered, although not in the way I expected it to be. I had enquired earlier on the discussion site
Historia-Matematica Discussion Group hosted by Epigone at MathForum.

Mary Krimmel

Mailer: Historia Matematica Pro v2.0
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2003 19:58:27 -0300
To: historia-matematica@chasque.apc.org
From: Julio Gonzalez Cabillon <jgc@adinet.com.uy>
Subject: Re: [HM] Jacob Bernouilli's tomb

Dear Mary Krimmel,

Jakob's tombstone is in the M\"unster cathedral in his hometown Basel.

                                       IACOBUS BERNOULLI
                                   MATHEMATICUS INCOMPARABILIS
                                          ACAD. BASIL.
                                    VLTRA XVIII ANNOS PROF.
                             ACADEM. ITEM REGIAE PARIS. ET BEROLIN.
                                   EDITIS LUCUBRAT.INLUSTRIS.
                                         MORBO CHRONICO
                                   MENTE AD EXTREMUM INTEGRA
                                ANNO SAL.MDCCV.D.XVI.AUGUSTI
                                        AETATIS L.M.VII
                                 RESURRECT.PIOR.HIC PRAESTOLATUR
                                        IUDITHA STUPANA
                                         XX ANNOR.VXOR
                                       CUM DUOBUS LIBERIS
                                        MARITO ET PARENTI
                                       EHEU DESIDERATISS.

                                     EADEM MUTATA RESURGO

You may also take a look at Louis Isely's "Epigraphes tumulaires de
mathematiciens", Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de
Neuch^atel, tome 27, 1899.

Regards, Julio

Keywords: Eadem mutata resurgo; logarithmic spiral, equiangular spiral
(spira mirabilis); Basel; (das Basler) M\"unster; Jakob Bernoulli I;
Judith Stupan.