I can now provide a list of the VN articles that appeared in a volume that was earlier reported. The volume is : XX BEK. Proza. Poeziia. Kritika. A. Belyi, I. Bunin, V. Nabokov, E. Zamyatin i B. Grebnshchikov ov. Eds. E.B. Skorospelovaya, T.G. Kuchina, T.E. Logachevaja. (Mosocw: Russkaja Entsklopediia, Dialog-MGU, 1996 139pp.
VN articles (all in Russian)
N. Kakinuma (Japan),  Nabokov and Russian Symbolism
Jen Ting-chia (Taiwan), The Semantics of the Chronotope in Nabokov's        _    Mashen'ka_
N. Kakinuma (Japan), The Structure of the "Spinning Wheel" in              
Nabokov's   DAR
T. Kuchina (Russia), From "Az" do  "Izhitsa": The Alphabet in _Invitation to  a Beheading_"