Yuzlik + kovcheg + Orlik = yug + Kozlevich + Krolik
Orlik + rotik + oklik/Kliko/kolik = klitor + okrik + Klio/kilo
Yuzlik - a Hollywood director whom Van meets at the dinner in the Bellevue Hotel and whom he mistakes for Ada's husband Andrey Vinelander (3.8); in Tobakoff's cinema hall Van and Lucette watch Don Juan's Last Fling, Yuzlik's film in which Ada played the gitanilla (3.5)
kovcheg - ark
Orlik - Filipp Orlik, a character in Pushkin's Poltava (1829), Mazepa's confidant who died (about 1736) in Bendery 
yug - South
Kozlevich - Adam Kozlevich, the driver of the Antelope Gnu car in Ilf and Petrov's "The Little Golden Calf" (1931)
Krolik - Dr Krolik, an entomologist who lives near Ardis, Ada's teacher of natural history; krolik - rabbit
rotik - little mouth; Lucette to Van: ‘— I got stuck with six Buchstaben in the last round of a Flavita game. Mind you, I was eight and had not studied anatomy, but was doing my poor little best to keep up with two Wunderkinder. You examined and fingered my groove and quickly redistributed the haphazard sequence which made, say, LIKROT or ROTIKL and Ada flooded us both with her raven silks as she looked over our heads, and when you had completed the rearrangement, you and she came simultaneously, si je puis le mettre comme ça (Canady French), came falling on the black carpet in a paroxysm of incomprehensible merriment; so finally I quietly composed ROTIK (‘little mouth’) and was left with my own cheap initial. (2.5)
oklik - hail, call
Kliko - Veuve Clicqout (champagne)
kolik - gen. of koliki (colic); in the Russian Lolita (2.25) the rabbit-breeders smeyutsya do kolik (make themselves ill with laughing) as they watch the mating rabbits 
klitor - clitoris (see Lucette's words quoted above)
Klio - Clio ("the hysterical muse of history")
kilo - kilogram; Van to Dorothy Vinelander at the dinner in the Bellevue Hotel: Je dois "surveiller les kilos." (3.8)
In Ilf and Petrov's "The Twelve Chairs" (1928) the animals in the lottery ark, including the kroliki (rabbits) from mutual settlement, are mentioned:
Население тиражного ковчега уснуло. Львы из тиражной комиссии спали. Спали ягнята из личного стола, козлы из бухгалтерии, кролики из отдела взаимных расчётов, гиены и шакалы звукового оформления и голубицы из машинного бюро.
Не спала только одна нечистая пара.
The animals in the lottery ark were lulled to sleep. The lions from the lottery committee were asleep. So were the lambs from personnel, the goats from accounts, the  rabbits from mutual settlement, the hyenas and jackals from sound effects, and the pigeons from the typistry.
Only the unclean pair lay awake. (chapter 32 "The Unclean Pair")
The next chapter of Ilf and Petrov's novel is entitled "Expulsion from Paradise." Bender and Vorob'yaninov are expelled from Skryabin (the steamer onboard which the troupe of the Columbus Theater travels down the Volga)
Volga + rusalka + shcheli/leshchi + Gogol' + Nabokov + klitor = vlagalishche + alkogol' + sugrob + konoval + rotik
On Terra (Demonia's twin planet) a super Russia dominates the Volga region and similar watersheds:
Eastward, instead of Khan Sosso and his ruthless Sovietnamur Khanate, a super Russia, dominating the Volga region and similar watersheds, was governed by a Sovereign Society of Solicitous Republics (or so it came through) which had superseded the Tsars, conquerors of Tartary and Trst. (2.2)
rusalka - mermaid (Van calls Lucette "our Esmeralda and mermaid," 2.8)
shcheli - pl. of shchel' (crack; slit, etc.); cf. malebolge (zlye shcheli, "evil ditches"), the eighth circle of Hell in Dante's Inferno
leshchi - pl. of leshch (bream, a freshwater fish)
Gogol' - Gogol in Russian spelling; in the Columbus Theater Bender and Vorob'yaninov watch the avant-garde stage version of Gogol's play Zhenit'ba ("The Marriage," 1835)
vlagalishche - vagina
alkogol' - alcohol
sugrob - snow-drift
konoval - obs., veterinary
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