-rukiy, the second part of the name Dolgorukiy and adjective bezrukiy, is present in sukhorukiy (without the use of one arm; having a withered arm). Kuz'ma Minin Sukhoruk (? - 1616) was a leader of the national liberating struggle of Russian people against the Poland-Lithuania invaders, one of the leaders of the second volunteer corps (1611-1612) and a national hero. Koz'ma Zakhar'yich Minin Sukhoruk is a play (1861) by A. Ostrovsky.
+ order + Minin = Lord Erminin
Children of Colonel Arkadiy Erminin (a neighbor country squire and widower), the twins Greg and Grace (whom Demon calls une petite juive très aristocratique:* 1.38) are the playmates of Marina's three children at Ardis. At the picnic on her twelfth birthday (when Van walks on his hands) Ada and Grace play anagrams (1.13). Four years later, at the picnic on Ada's sixteenth birthday (1.39), Greg witnesses Van's scuffle with Percy de Prey who tells Ada that "your cousin has treated Greg and your humble servant to a most bracing exhibition of Oriental Skrotomoff or whatever the name may be." Lucette (who watched the scuffle from an ambush) chants:
'He screwed off a nipple,
He left him a cripple...'
Percy is to perish soon in the Crimean war. Incidentally, Stalin (known on Antiterra as "Khan Sosso," the hero of Richard Leonard Churchill's novel about a certain Crimean Khan: 1.39) had a withered arm. Note that Colonel St. Alin, a scoundrel, was a second in Demon's duel with d'Onsky (1.2). Greg ("Lord Erminin") is a second in Van's imaginary duel with Andrey Vinelander (Ada's husband): "Monsieur de Tobak and Lord Erminin (a second-time second) witnessed the duel in the company of a few tall yuccas and short cactuses" (3.8). S + Tobak = T + Sobak = St. Koba (Fima Sobak is a character in Ilf & Petrov's "The 12 chairs;" accented on the second syllable, sobak is Gen. pl. of sobaka, "dog;" Koba is Stalin's nickname)
*unlike his brother in arms, Prince Dmitri Pozharsky, Minin was prostolyudin (man of the common people)
Alexey Sklyarenko
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